Sunday, April 25, 2010

It stopped....

I've finished about half of chapter three, but I am struggling to write that little extra that keeps you wanting more. I've been thinking for a few days how to solve it, and I may have found the solution, but I need to work on how to put it down.

Anyhow I have been thinking about the little New Zealand versus America detail, and my husband came with a good point:
If it ever should become a movie, then it's more probable that it will appeal to a broader audience if it is in America. Or as he put it: It's more relaxing listening to an American accent, rather than one from New Zealand. I will still have a part of New Zealand in the book, but that will be through another character.

So that's my decision, but thanks for your advice, those of you who I have spoken to, and you who commented here =D

Have a great day!

Ps: Look out for a new teaser (or taste how I like to say) this week!

1 comment:

  1. Mannen din har nok helt rett i at man appelerer til et bredere publikum om handlingen er satt til Amerika. Tross alt flere mennesker, og som du sier: en enklere dialekt.

    Er spent på neste teaser. :)
