Sunday, April 25, 2010

It stopped....

I've finished about half of chapter three, but I am struggling to write that little extra that keeps you wanting more. I've been thinking for a few days how to solve it, and I may have found the solution, but I need to work on how to put it down.

Anyhow I have been thinking about the little New Zealand versus America detail, and my husband came with a good point:
If it ever should become a movie, then it's more probable that it will appeal to a broader audience if it is in America. Or as he put it: It's more relaxing listening to an American accent, rather than one from New Zealand. I will still have a part of New Zealand in the book, but that will be through another character.

So that's my decision, but thanks for your advice, those of you who I have spoken to, and you who commented here =D

Have a great day!

Ps: Look out for a new teaser (or taste how I like to say) this week!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

An update

I was googling yesterday, trying to find a picture of the area in the book I see in my head. I have had this picture now for 12 years, never changed (all though the story has a little). Only problem is that the area is in a totally different country than what I am writing about, which is New Zealand, and the other country is America. Seeing that I immagine the book becoming a movie one day (or I write the book as if I am watching the movie) I am now pondering whether to change the country in the book. This will be a huge step for me, so I really need to think about it.

The upside about this is that in America I would have a bigger audience, and there are more publishing companies, but the plot in the book will have to be changed. It was my dream for several years to move to New Zealand, so removing it would in some ways be a defeat for me. I'm gonna have to think real good and hard about it!

By the way I have also contacted a publishing agency in Norway, asking them if they publish English written books, which they didn't. I'm guessing it's the same for the rest of the country, but won't give up yet. As mum says it will be easier to get published in another country first, and then I could think about publishing in Norway.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I'm so excited...

and I just can't hide it!

So this weekend I have been with my in-laws to a hotel in the mountains. It's been a very nice trip, and I have been able to do a lot of thinking. I was ble to start off with the third chapter when the children were asleep and I was "sitting" for them. (Technically you never baby sit for your own children ;-p). Then later on my mother in law took over, and at the same time she was allowed to read what I had written so far. Today she told me it was really great, and she was extremely annoyed when it stopped, because she wanted to read the rest. And then, without realizing it herself, she gave me a HUGE tip which I really never thought of, but it is going to make it so much more fun to write the book. I'm guessing she's just given me about two more chapters to write about! Fantastic!

So now I'm off to continuing the making of the third chapter... YAY!

Question in a forum I hang around in:
"If you could chose, which famous person would you want to be your best friend?"
- Stephenie Meyer and Karin Fossum! =D

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Chapter two

So because of the moving it took some time for me to get "in to it" again, and the whole of chapter one took aproxamately 10 weeks. I began writing chapter two about two weeks ago, and I just finished it. It has now been sent to my two faithful readers for reviewing, and I can't wait to hear what they say about it! Anyway, it's nice to know that given time, I don't find it too hard to write at all.

I hope you liked the last little treat, you will have to wait a while for the next part, sorry guys =) (Whoever you are)

A little taste

Here is a little taste (or treat) from the first chapter:

"...I had nowhere to go because he was blocking my way, and behind me there was a huge drop. We stood there and looked at each other for a moment. His eyes were full of wonder, and he himself seemed so gentle. But I was still afraid as I had thought this through before: If I ever went back to civilization, someone out there would recognise me and want to finish of the job they previously failed to complete. I was happy here, and I had no intention of leaving. This was my sanctuary! I turned my head away from the boy, toward the beautiful beach. And then, holding a protecting hand on my stomach, I took a deep breath, and leaped off the cliff into the thunderous crashing of the waves below..."

Monday, April 12, 2010

Unfinished business

How do I start my first blog entry? What do I write?

I have wanted to start one for a while now, mostly because I want to write about my family, which isn't my plan for now. But I also do like my family (duh), so maybe I'll share them with you in small portions?

Some dream... I dream... since I was 7 I have dreamed of becoming an author. When I was 12 I began imagining myself to be elsewhere, fantasising my way to a different country - an adventure. It never got further than the thought. But my fantasy was always there - developing. I have made attempts to write it down for some time now. My first try was 5 years ago, but I never even finished the first chapter - bummer

Leading to my want, I WANT to write a book. It's far beyond a dream, far beyond a want - it's a craving! I originally wanted to call this blog "unfinished business". Why, you ask? I have ADD (attention deficit disorder), which doesn't affect my life so much. It probably affects my husband more - as I have half finished projects stacked away in boxes in my hobby room. (Which by the way also is another add on to my unfinished business. When will I ever find the time to unpack the rest of it?) My unfinished projects by the way include:
* A scrap book for my daughter. Half done of course, and then I need to start one for my son, and one for our wedding. Last worked on: 10 months ago
* A big crochet thing which really will be lovely when it's finished (!) Last worked on: 6 years ago
* A knitted jacket for my daughter (it will be too small by the time I'm done with it) Last worked on: A year ago.
* The ceiling in the kitchen and hall needs to be finished painted. Last worked on: 2 months ago
Therefor maybe you could say that this blog is for my husband, so that he won't get too stressed out for all of my projects - too soon.

So these are my dreams and hopes for the future. Now I am on to doing, and there I fall back to the reason for why I have commenced this blog: A book - My biggest project so far!
Have I any experience with writing? No!
Did I suck writing short stories in high school? Yes
Did I learn from it? YES
Did every teacher I had in college encourage me to write more, seeing I was "such a fantastic writer and that I would become something one day?" Yes

And then leading me to December 2009, when I sat down and began writing my first chapter, of a series of three books. Since December I have moved and have been busy with packing, unpacking, painting and decorating, but I am now back on track and have almost finished my second chapter. My DO!

I'm not really sure about these chapters, but if anyone ever reads this blog, I would love to know how many pages in a chapter you mean are appropriate! Right now I'm up to about 16 - 20 pages, with the possibilty to take small pauses in between, so let me know please.

Quotes and updates from the book, pictures from finished projects, and ideas for new ones will be posted now and then. Untill then, I thank you for reading, and I really hope you enjoy following the creation of my book.